Weather Center for the Apocalypse / Future Satellite is alert to an uncertain future. It is a sculptural installation that incorporates new media, performance, and participation. Built primarily with salvaged materials, it predicts changes in our environment and culture that could affect the autonomy of citizens in the event of disaster.

Meet the Artist: Thursday August 3rd 2017 at 7pm
Open to the public on Wed. Aug. 2, Thurs. Aug. 3, Fri. Aug. 4, 2017 from noon-5pm
Harvestworks 596 Broadway #602 New York NY 10012
Phone: 212-431-1130 Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R to Prince, #6
to Bleecker
Phone: 212-431-1130 Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R to Prince, #6
to Bleecker

It consists of a Weather Tower built primarily with local, salvaged materials, using simple science experiments as the basis for a fully functioning weather station. Environmental sensors monitor weather in the immediate area. News and alerts can be sent out over a personal satellite radio system called Future Satellite. It consists of a satellite dish, a model of a satellite, and a series of radio transmitters and receivers. It can be used to transmit underground music, on days when the apocalypse warnings are low. It will have a radio program running continuously that can be heard through listening stations in the gallery and picked up by FM radios within range.

The project creates an ongoing story on climate change, social change, and the future of media. A Meteorologist will take regular readings from the weather instruments and upload them to a forecast portal. Forecasts will incorporate sources both practical and fantastical, including satellite information, the farmer’s almanac, horoscopes, news of political unrest, and how often it has rained that month. They will rely heavily on news gathered by word of mouth, from videos contributed by visitors to the installation.
The project has been supported by Harvestworks, City University of New York, Flux Factory, University of Vermont, Rutgers University, and Materials for the Arts.

Press Quotes
“While Beethoven is arguably the most famous user of bone conduction technology- he was able to ‘hear’ his music through vibrations in his jawbone when he bit a rod attached to his piano- Marzec and her innovative helmet are on the fast-track to greater success…” -PSFK
“I wanted to hug her, but didn’t want to freak her out.” -Humans of New York
“I wanted to hug her, but didn’t want to freak her out.” -Humans of New York
Recent Interviews
Social Media
Contributors to the Weather Center for the Apocalypse Daily Forecasts: Hethre Contant, Vincent Dean Boyce
Contributors to the Future Satellite Radio Program: Brian House, Matthew D. Gantt, Ranjit Bhatnagar
Contributors to the Future Satellite Radio Program: Brian House, Matthew D. Gantt, Ranjit Bhatnagar