Installations by Rebecca Adorno and Anis Haron 12 noon to 6pm! OPENING RECEPTION Oct 22, 6-9pm! In Rebecca Adorno’s Instrument for Unsent Letters, random-automatized plucking of custom-made string instruments, by servomotors, controls the play back of the narrations. Anis Haron’s Audio Palimpsest is based on a reconfigured cassette recorder, the installation allows multi point interaction by synthesizing data inputs collectively.
Instrument For Unseen Letters | Audio Palimpsest
Rebecca Adorno | Anis Haron
Fri – Sun, Oct 22 – 24, 2010, noon to 6pm.
Fri – Sun, Oct 22 – 24, 2010, noon to 6pm.
OPENING RECEPTION: Fri, Oct 22, 2010, 6 – 9pm
In Rebecca Adorno’s Instrument for Unsent Letters, letters from strangers are collected through a blog where people write entries dedicated to someone in an anonymous way. They are then published in the form of audio clips as part of the installation. The random-automatized plucking of custom-made string instruments, by servomotors, controls the play back of the narrations.
Anis Haron will present Audio palimpsest, an interactive sound-based installation that explores applications of indeterminacy and randomness in an interactive platform. Based on a reconfigured cassette recorder, the installation allows multi point interaction by synthesizing data inputs collectively.
About the artists:
Anis Haron is a new media artist born in Chicago, Illinois, raised in Penang, Malaysia and currently based in Brooklyn, New York. His works has been exhibited internationally, and mainly uses sound to engage audience participation and reaction.Rebecca Adorno is a New York based new media artist born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Her sound and video installations explore the deconstruction of linear narratives and the creation of random compositions that engage the viewer in a conceptual and musical discourse that emphasizes the aesthetic sense of space. Adorno has exhibited her work both in Puerto Rico and New York and is part of the Museum of Art of Ponceʼs permanent collection.