Over 100 artists have participated in Harvestworks’ Certificate and Independent Study Program, that offers year-round individualized, in-depth teaching and programming services. Participants receive one-on-one sessions tailored specifically to their needs and artistic goals, and take part in classes that fit their individual curriculum. For a limited time in June, we will be able to offer Certificate Students to work with Max/MSP specialist Stefan Tiedje from Berlin, author of the St.ools and abhaXions libraries for Max/MSP. Over the course of several decades he has programmed for and collaborated with Richard Teitelbaum, Alvin Curran, Diamanda Galas, Ulrich Krieger, Karlheinz Stockhausen, La Monte Young, Terry Riley and many others.
Stefan Tiedje will be coming to New York to perform in our New Electronic Art Festival, and would be available for training between June 3 and June 20. A maximum of two Certificate Students will be able to work with him on their projects. To apply, please send a project description, bio, and link to worksamples to hanst@harvestworks.org.
The Max/MSP/Jitter Certificate and Independent Study Program includes 20 hours of one-on-one training. Participating artists receive project support in one-on-one training sessions, unlimited time in our computer labs, and access to our assistant teachers for additional programming and technical support. At the end of the program, artists may chose to present their work in final showing hosted by Harvestworks.
The cost of this program is $1800. Participants need to be a member of Harvestworks to enroll in the program. Membership costs $75/year.
Stefan Tiedje
- Cycling74: http://cycling74.com/author/StefanTiedjegogglemailcom/?kme=forum+user+project+count+click
- Les Ondes Memorielles: http://cycling74.com/project/project17-les-ondes-memorielles/
- St.ools: http://cycling74.com/toolbox/tiedje-stools/
- Website: http://tjshredder.wordpress.com/code/
Klanggestalter – Artisan – Intuitian. Creator of the St.ools a library for Max/MSP. Performer on his self created instrument called ‘Les Ondes Memoriélles’. Studied Physics, electrical engeneering and acoustics in Marburg and Berlin. Since 1984 working on algorithmic composition by programing computers. Since 1986 concerts with computer controlled sound sources and effects in Europe, America and Asia in collaboration with numerous artists of all genres. Former musical assistant at Experimentalstudio Freiburg and CCMIX in Paris. Currently Member of CLSI / France. Awarded prices include a silver Amadeus with “Musik Kreativ” a competition of the German Keyboards magazine and recently at Operare 2011 for the music to “Wie quälst Du mein Herz”.
Max/MSP/Jitter Certificate and Independent Study Program
Harvestworks offers year-round the Max/MSP/Jitter Certificate and Independent Study Program for artists interested in the graphical programming environment — individuals of all skills levels and programming experience are welcomed. The Max/MSP/Jitter Certificate provides participants with all the tools needed to build custom software capable of creating multiple channel video pieces, surround sound and immersive environments, interactive installations, sound art, as well as the opportunity to pushing the boundaries of new media art into unexplored territory.
With over 100 participants since its inception, the Certificate Program has included musicians, video artists, filmmakers, DJs and VJs, artists working with physical computing and analog electronics, sculptors, dancers, students and interested individuals of all backgrounds.