[Jul 30] Thalamus Lab: Open Call for Sounds II

Thalamus LabHarvestworks (New York, US), Niu (Barcelona, Spain) and Netlabelism (Ghent, Belgium) invite you to participate in the creation of a free collaborative sound library and an album, which will be officially presented in various listening sessions in different countries. See the previous materials here: free experimental sound library.

We want to contribute to the cultural exchange between artists around the world, to encourage innovation and evolution, to combine ideas in different contexts, to join forces, to share and to collaborate on the Internet. With this in mind, we are curating a free sound library, which is going to comprise sounds by skilled artists from around the world.

This open call is the second and the last open call for sounds of this project. We already selected 40 packs and we would like to reach the number of 60 packs. After the deadline on July 30, 2014, , we are going to announce an open call for tracks created out of these sounds. Thus, we want to involve a bunch of people in the process of creation of an album, aiming to reach new horizons in collaborative creation.

This project is intended to reflect and support the benefits of mass collaboration, turning mass collaboration into an essential element of the process of creation. That is, we are both contributing to and benefiting from freesound.org; a huge collaborative free sound database launched in 2005, where so far 2.5M of registered users have shared more than 170.000 sounds and organized them in more than 10.000 packs.

Submit Your Sounds

Thalamus Lab: Experimental Sound Lab: http://www.thalamuslab.com
Guidelines: http://www.thalamuslab.com/experimental-sound-lab-guidelines/
Freesound.org: http://freesound.org

free soundWe want to contribute to the cultural exchange between artists around the world, to encourage innovation and evolution, to combine ideas in different contexts, to join forces, to share and to collaborate on the Internet. With this in mind we are curating a free experimental sound library, which is going to comprise sounds by skilled artists from around the world.

We are looking for experimental, unique and outstanding sounds. We will listen everything, from acoustic to electronic, digital to analog, new or old, short or long. Submit what you think is really ‘good’ or somehow ‘special’.
We provide the following categories of sounds as a suggestion in case you need some more clue. This is NOT a final categorization and you may submit any sound. Probably the most special sound is not listed.

  • -Instruments
    • Acoustic – prepared, rare, homemade, etc
    • Percussion – metallic, wood, skin, stone, pottery, etc
    • Synths – atmospheres, drones, basses, soundscapes, etc
  • -Special FX
    • Noise and distortion.
    • Glitch, digital.
    • Squeaks, creaks, rustles, etc
    • Radio, interference, electronics, etc
    • Aliens, ghosts, zombies and other freaky stuff
  • -Field recordings
    • Machines – trains, cars, spaceships, etc
    • Nature – sea waves, weather, rain, wind, storms, etc
    • Spaces – delays, reverbs


Further information & guidelines see here.

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