Mode celebrates the recent release of Feldman Quartets with the FLUX Quartet, which includes a bonus DVD with surround sound and 24-bit stereo files.
[Jun 6] Mode Records presents Morton Feldman’s String Quartet No.1 and early quartets
Fri, Jun 6 2014, 6pm
Admission: FREE
This event presents the surround versions on DVD in Harvestwork’s surround sound TEAMLab. Member of the FLUX Quartet will be present for a Q&A. Please note this is a DVD presentation, not a concert!
596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012 | Phone: 212-431-1130
Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R Prince, 6 Bleecker
String Quartet No. 1 (1979) is one of Feldman’s earliest long duration pieces. The DVD allows the presentation of this 90-minute piece without interruption. The surround mix spatializes the quartet with each instrument coming from one corner of the room.
The other two quartets from the 1950s, “Structures” and “Three Pieces” feature a different sound mix which puts the listener within the quartet, while the quartet is presented in its traditional left-to-right seating formation.
New York’s FLUX Quartet have a long history of performing Feldman – they have performed his monumental 6-hour long String Quartet No.2 several times, and their acclaimed recording of it is available on Mode Records.
The new release and other Mode Feldman Edition titles will be available for purchase at the event.