Andreas Trobollowitsch’s guitar performance “extract #4” for two propelled guitars on Friday, followed by his snare-drum-fan sound-installation “snares” on Saturday/Sunday.
[Oct 10-12] Andreas Trobollowitsch: extract #4 / snares
Andreas Trobollowitsch
Friday, Oct 10 2014 at 7pm, reception and “extract #4” performance
Sat/Sun, Oct 11/12, 2014 3 to 6pm, “snares” installation
Harvestworks 596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212-431-1130
Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R Prince, 6 Bleecker
“extract #4”
is a solo performance for two propelled guitars
is a sound sculpture for snare drums, prepared fans, metal and wooden rods.
At a distance of 30 – 100 cm, the fans are positioned on the floor. The bars transmit the vibrations and friction noise to the snare drums where the sound is either generated or amplified.
Andreas Trobollowitsch
Andreas Trobollowitsch is a Vienna-based composer, performer and sound- and installation artist.
He studied musicology and jazz in Vienna and Paris. In his works, he uses mainly prepared musical instruments, modified fans, tapes and field recordings. Recently, he has been focusing on sound installations, conceptual compositions and drawing installations.