[June 23] Prismatic Xtychs: Meditations on Chance, Choice, and Action by Christina Wheeler

Prismatic Xtychs: Meditations on Chance, Choice, and Action is the second in a series of structured improvisation performances works meditating on chance and choice through gestural and sonic action. The audience hears an invocation/incantation to which they can choose to respond by a series of chance gestures that determine the structure of this premiering sonic performance work. The… Continue reading

LiveCode.NYC Last Weekend!

LiveCode.NYC! Last Weekend Friday April 28 – May 14, 2023 Regen Circuit:LiveCode.NYC Residency at the Harvestworks Art and Technology Program on Governors Island. Check here for the calendar of events and here for the exhibition information and here for participant bios. This is a Satellite Event for this year’s International Conference of Live Coding (ICLC). Open Fri. Sat. and Sun. from… Continue reading

LiveCode.NYC Second Weekend!

LiveCode.NYC! Second Weekend Friday April 28 – May 14, 2023 Regen Circuit:LiveCode.NYC Residency at the Harvestworks Art and Technology Program on Governors Island. Check here for the calendar of events and here for the exhibition information and here for participant bios. This is a Satellite Event for this year’s International Conference of Live Coding (ICLC). Open Fri. Sat. and Sun. from… Continue reading

[June 17] Anaïs Maviel, Rashaan Carter & Mimi A.

In the context of their joint research in the healing properties of music in electro-acoustic music performance, Rashaan Carter, Anaïs Maviel & Mimi A. invite you to join their work-in-progress immersive sound bath and binaural beats bouquet. At sunset, they invite you to experience meditative, minimalist and texturally rich music made of electric & acoustic… Continue reading

LiveCode.NYC starts the season!

This Weekend – LiveCode.NYC! Friday April 28 – May 14, 2023 Regen Circuit:LiveCode.NYC Residency at the Harvestworks Art and Technology Program on Governors Island. Check here for the calendar of events and here for the exhibition information. This is a Satellite Event for this year’s International Conference of Live Coding (ICLC). Open Fri. Sat. and Sun. from 11 am… Continue reading

[April 15] TIP Master Class #9 Some Approaches to Web Based Music with Tommy Martinez

In this two hour guide participants will get an overview of the methods and tools available for sound synthesis, spatialization, and arrangement on the World Wide Web. The presentation will highlight key works that embody and predate web based musical performance as well as speculate on the possibility of new… Continue reading

2023 Sponsored Projects

Commissioned Works/Special Projects is our program offering financial and administrative assistance to individual artists. We act as a fiscal agent for those artists applying for grants from federal and state programs and private foundations. Through this program we help develop collaborative projects between artists and assist with the presentation of… Continue reading