[FROM OUR ARCHIVE] Longitudinal Vibration by Ellen Fullman

Congrats to composer Ellen Fullman on her New York Times article and on the Guggenheim Award that she received this year (2020). Check out an early recording of Longitudinal Vibration, a musical instrument composed of 50 foot wires coupled to a plywood box resonator. Played by the composer and David Weinstein. Recorded on June 17,… Continue reading

[May 19] Bass & Electronics by Mike Bullock

A live improvisation integrating contrabass, field recordings, and synthesis. Mike is a resident at Harvestworks this year designing and building a Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) system that will be portable and flexible.  Join us at: Twitch.TV/harvestworks  Note: to chat with Mike, you need to have a twitch account. Tuesday, May… Continue reading

[28. April] Auroboros by Bob Bellerue

Auroboros is an interactive sound installation and performance system. Vocal recordings can be made by performers and audience members, and the playback can be manual or automated via a Supercollider patch. The sound is diffused through traditional speakers and homemade speaker objects made out of resonant materials/instruments with drivers and… Continue reading

[Mar. 3] Unity Techniques Demo and Meetup

Ever considered whether a 3D game/VR/AR-development platform could fulfill your creative audiovisual needs for interactivity? Come to a guided-tour demonstration of Unity techniques in combination with other software, try out the HTC Vive Headset to experience the scenes in real time, and bring your own questions and projects. Some of… Continue reading

2020 Artists in Residence

The Harvestworks New Works Program is pleased to announce our 2020 recipients. The recipients create a new work in the Harvestworks TEAM (Technology, Engineering, Art and Music) Lab. The applications were reviewed by filmmaker and multimedia artist Art Jones, sound artist, musician, and composer Jess Rowland and composer and curator of… Continue reading