June 2019 Newsletter

NYEAF Begins with Teens Take the Met We participated in Teens Take the Met on May 31st. Carol and a team of excited interns aimed to inspire young minds with Harvestwork’s Arp 2600, Doepfer EURO Rack system and the music making software Max/MSP/Jitter. June 1 saw the Opening of Physical and Digital:… Continue reading

Lytle: Harvest Stream 2

Harvest Stream 2 is an eight channel piece developed especially for the new sound system at Harvestworks Studios, New York City. Each channel (speaker) has its own material and is designed to be mixed with the other channels (speakers) live during performance. Many versions of this piece are possible. This… Continue reading

2018 Sponsored Projects

Commissioned Works/Special Projects is our program offering financial and administrative assistance to individual artists. We act as a fiscal agent for those artists applying for grants from federal and state programs and private foundations. Through this program we help develop collaborative projects between artists and assist with the presentation of… Continue reading

[Sept 14 and 15] New AIR Festival

Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center, in collaboration with Violinist/Composer Mari Kimura, present the inaugural event of a new concert series entitled the “New AIR Festival”. The event features outstanding artists from the music and technology residencies at Harvestworks in New York City. The two-day festival will take place on Friday and Saturday, September… Continue reading

[Sept 14] New AIR Festival: David Bird

David Bird will perform a live electronics set featuring selections from a large scale electroacoustic work “Synonymic”, which explores a synth-laden retro-futuristic sound world comprised of off-kilter samples and computer generated sound. Friday, Sept. 14, 2018 Location: Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A W 13th St, New York, NY 10011 Tickets: $20 /… Continue reading