[May 25-October 21] ‘flARmingo Stopover’ by Kristin Lucas

FLARMINGO STOPOVER invites excursionists and wayfarers to mingle with flamingos in social, fun and ecologically-ethical ways through technological embodiment and magical realism. “Dance with flARmingos: Interspecies Dance” brings you into a flamingo world as a flamingo avatar and “FLARMINGOS” lets you populate your surroundings with life-size augmented reality flamingos, pick… Continue reading

[May 5, 6] The Space Between the Letters by Eva von Schweinitz

THE SPACE BETWEEN THE LETTERS is a new multi-disciplinary, research-based performance project that investigates adult learning, the production of knowledge, and the socio-political fabric of education in the United States. Integrating recorded interviews with adult students and teachers, interactive video, live-drawing, and choreography, THE SPACE BETWEEN THE LETTERS explores the… Continue reading

May 2018 Newsletter

Creative Technology Week 2018 Raphaele Shirley May 7 @ 7pm Experience 8 channel Ambisonic sound compositions by Raphaele Shirley/David Watson /Peter Zummo, Hans Tammen, Shelley Hirsch and Matthew Gantt. Hunter College. Black Box 5th floor. Hunter North Bldg. Enter at 69th Street between Lex & Park. A partnership with the IMA program and a CTW… Continue reading