2016 Sponsored Projects

Commissioned Works/Special Projects is our program offering financial and administrative assistance to individual artists. We act as a fiscal agent for those artists applying for grants from federal and state programs and private foundations. Through this program we help develop collaborative projects between artists and assist with the presentation of… Continue reading

[June 11] Birdsong Mimic Workshop: Mobile App to Installation Space by Max Kazemzadeh

This Birdsong Mimic Workshop introduces attendees to the overall structure for building and connecting interactive mobile apps, using the Ketai and Cassette Libraries, via a web server to automatically generate realtime kinetic events in an interactive installation anywhere in the world via Processing and Arduino. This investigation in ubiquitous computing,… Continue reading

[Jun 5] Ghost Voices Concert with Annie Gosfield

Harvestworks presents Ghost Voices, featuring composers Annie Gosfield and Shelley Hirsch. Co-Presented by the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival and National Sawdust Several programs of pure electroacoustic works for live electronics, including computer processing and laptop orchestras; works combining live instruments or voices with fixed media or live electronics;… Continue reading

[June 5] Ghost Voices Concert: B-O-O-K, B-A-R-K -T-R-E-E -S-K-I-N L-I-N-E Stage 1 by Shelley Hirsch and Joke Lanz

Shelley Hirsch and Joke Lanz Book-Bark-Tree-Skin-Line- Stage 1 is a structured improvisation with collaborator/ turntablist, electronic musician Joke Lanz  and a query into the process of creating Hirsch’s Harvestworks AIR Project and  new choral work commissioned by NYSCA  which will be presented in 2017. The work is a musing on the… Continue reading

[May 28 – July 25] Dancing Windows by Anna Pasztor – The TEAM Lab: Artworks and Experiences

Dancing Windows is an interactive video installation that engages its audiences on several different levels. It was created in partnership with Harvestworks.   Workshops, on July 2nd [register], and 9th 3 – 5 pm [register] **BRING YOUR CELLPHONE TO THE WORKSHOP!!** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please install Phone App before the workshop, if you get a chance.… Continue reading