[Feb 18] TIP Master Class #2: Embodied Intelligence & the Future of Performance with Heidi Boisvert

photo of Lizardly performance

In this seminar, Dr. Heidi Boisvert will discuss current empirical research methods and insights emerging from the Limbic Lab, which employs biometrics, machine learning, and predictive models to isolate effective narrative ingredients across various mediums of expression. Boisvert will share how this research informs the creation of bio-adaptive networked dance… Continue reading

2023 New Works Artist Residencies

The Harvestworks New Works is pleased to announce our 2023 recipients. The recipients are commissioned to create a new work in the Harvestworks TEAM (Technology, Engineering, Art and Music) Lab. The applications were reviewed by composer, cellist and educator Margaret Schedel, composer, improviser, sound artist, educator Matthew Goodheart , composer and… Continue reading

[Oct 15] Plastics by Matthew D. Gantt

Following his workshop on Unreal Engine for Musicians, Matthew D. Gantt will present Plastics, a live performance of sound and virtual environments building on the infinite mutability of digital sound and object. Drawing on material from previous releases with Orange Milk and Oxtail Recordings, the performance will combine generative approaches, tape composition… Continue reading

[Oct 2] IRCAM NYU Performance – Echolocation I by Kamari Carter

Harvestworks is please to participate in the 2022  IRCAM -NYU Forum. The Fall 2022 IRCAM Forum will be held at New York University (NYU) and hosted by the NYU Music Technology and Music Theory & Composition programs from September 30 to October 3, 2022. At Harvestworks, Peter Traver, Kamari Carter, Hanae Azuma and Trevor Van de Velde received Workspace Residencies and show their… Continue reading

October 2022 Newsletter

Immersive Art and Technology Initiative Join our Experience Lab on Saturdays from 1-3pm in our Art and Technology Program Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governor’s Island. Our series of workshops presents hands-on learning and creative play with technology including VR, AR, Mixed Reality and Web VR. FREE. This project is made… Continue reading