[Jun. 15 – Sept. 2] The Augmented Reality War of 1812

On Governors Island visitors with their smart phone, iPad and Android tablets take a self guided augmented reality tour of scenes of the War of 1812. Flaneurs will discover the USRC cutter ACTIVE chase down the smuggler FAIR AMERICAN on the Hudson River, highly inflated bank notes floating over the parade ground, and an American sailor, a tar, shouldering his duffle bag at the ferry landing. Continue reading

Every Sat/Sun on Governors Island – The Spaces Contained In Each / Internet Psychic Phone Repair / Cloud.Data 2010 / Augmented Reality War of 1812

At St. Cornelius Chapel on Governors Island, Stephen Vitiello’s and Steve Roden’s The Spaces Contained in Each is a multi-channel sound installation based on recordings of “silence”. In Daniel Temkin’s Internet Psychic Phone Repair a mannequin fortune teller delivers a mix of NYC marketing vernacular, Markov-flavored spam phrasings, and a symbology of stale mysticism and Internet detritus. Xu Wenkai’s Cloud.data 2010 simulates a small region of a dark sky, but in the other way this matrix is able to contain a boundless 3-dimension sky of a digital reality. In Steve Bull’s and Kathleen Huler’s Augmented Rality War of 2012 visitors with their smart phone, iPad and Android tablets take a self guided augmented reality tour of scenes of the War of 1812. Continue reading

[Video] Adam Kendall: Toys’ Opera – The Casino

The Casino song-cycle, composed for Dafna Naphtali as vocalist and the Toys’ Opera multimedia instrument, explores misanthropomorphized detachment and the indifferent physics that contains and integrates us even in our most dire times of xenophobic introversion. Toys’ Opera is a performable kinetic sculpture of video, audio, and serially-controlled HO trains, models, and miniature cameras. It organizes procedural and algorithmic composition into phrases and gestures spanning and integrating the media. Continue reading

[July 1] Workshop: Sound, Touch and Action

This workshop will investigate the relationship between sound, touch, movement and technology. The participants will engage various wireless technologies in creating short interactive performance projects. The particular focus will be given to the investigation of sound-action pairs and the role of touch in their formation. The workshop will culminate into the project presentations and feedback discussion. Continue reading

[June 8] Drew Krause: Rings of Eight | Shelley Hirsch: Tohuwabohu

Drew Krause’s “Rings of Eight” is a study in deploying computer-generated sounds through an 8-channel system in various ways. The material was developed using various random, iterative, and deterministic processes in the Supercollider synthesis language. Shelley Hirsch’s “Tohuwabohu” is a “choral” piece originally created as a 5.1 surround sound piece for an installation with Ursula Scherrer called Alga at the Minoritan Church in Krems Austria and then adapted for KunstRadio /Radio ORF in Vienna, now extended to 8 channels for Harvestworks. Continue reading

[Video] Meridian7, Peter Edwards, Denman Maroney & Hans Tammen, Phillip Stearns

In this event at Church For All Nations, Meridian7 will perform an analog audio excursion that brings original telephone equipment back to life; Peter Edwards uses sound and the light to reveal different layers of complex electrical systems which are then manipulated by hand to create audio visual patterns; Denman Maroney & Hans Tammen celebrate their collaboration with a new work for hyper piano and live sound processing; and Phillip Stearns is exploring the physiological dimensions of electronic media reduced to their elementary components: light and sound. Continue reading