Digital Video Certificate Program

The Certificate programs have been developed in order to provide a more comprehensive training for artists interested in producing interactive media installations and performances. It requires students to take one-on-one tutorials according to an individually designed curriculum.

The Digital Video Certificate will introduce you to the basics of video editing using Adobe Premiere and related digital media software (Photoshop, After Effects, InDesign). Skills covered include organizing and transcoding media, non-linear editing, titles, color correction, basic audio editing, video effects, and outputting for distribution and the web. The Certificate can further specialize in projection design and installation with Isadora.

Training costs $1900. The student has to be a member of Harvestworks to be able to participate in this program. Membership is $75/yr. Each certificate includes 20 hours of one-on-one training with our current teacher Lauren Petty. The price also includes project supervision, unlimited lab time in our computer lab, support by our Assistant Teachers as well as a presentation of the final project at Harvestworks. A student may enroll in the program at anytime.

For details call Carol Parkinson 212-431-1130 or email carolp[at]harvestworks[dot]org.

About the Instructor

Lauren Petty is a Brooklyn based multi-platform artist who makes multidisciplinary performances, multimedia installations, documentaries and interactive video scores for live performance.

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