Harvestworks is pleased to offer the Technology Immersion Program (TIP) for Artists who have a passion for learning the tools of digital media but do not have the research, training and equipment necessary to produce artworks in this medium. Non-binary and artists from underserved communities are encouraged to apply.

Applicants will receive 20 hours of training with the instructor with 40 hours of a practice time in our lab, additional workshops and networking meetings with others in the program, our artists in residence, engineers, technical affiliates and interns. They will receive $1800 for attending the classes and completing their practice in the lab.
The TIP Program will award 4 full scholarships to artists in our community who apply to the 3 -month program in New York City. The Program start date is March 1, 2020. The scholar must provide their own housing and travel costs.

Using the core principals of diversity, inclusion and equity, applicants will be chosen based on economic need, prior creative engagement with technology, the potential for career advancement in the Tech Arts.
Full scholarships include training in the following major areas:
- Multi-channel Sound Art
- Multi-channel Video Art,
- Interactive Art including AR/VR
Partial funding for this program was provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. In-kind support provided by Nokia Bell Labs.