Great to see the Peter Nagy Exhibition at Jeffery Deitch Gallery and a review in Art News (2020). Peter contributed the cover for TELLUS #7 – The Word featuring readings by Linda Fisher, Michael Peppe, Wiska Radiewicz, John Miller, Terry Wilson, Lynne Tillman, Victor Poison-Tete, Jean-Paul Curtay, Claire Picher, Patrick McGrath, Molly Elder, Mike Gira, Gregory Whitehead, Nicolas Nowack, Cid Collins Walker, Richard Kostelanetz, Paul Bob Town, Nameless Stone Productions.

Take a listen here to my favorite works by Patrick McGrath Spike Rising and Lynne Tillman Hung up. There are many good works on this cassette – So 80″s… – carol
Excerpted from the original insert of TELLUS #7:
Cover by Peter Nagy Entertainment Erases History (detail) ‘1983
Recommended Readings: Effects Magazine for New Art Theory/Neutual Trends 127 2nd Ave #21 NYC 10003
Editors Tricia Collins & Richard Milazzo ($5 00 per issue)
TELLUS is a subscription only, bimonthly publication. To subscribe for one year (6 tapes) send $35 00 ($45 00 foreign) to TELLUS 143 Ludlow SI # 14 NYC 10002
This project ts supported In part with public monies from the New York State Council on the Arts Engineered by G Lindahl at Studio PASS NYC
Dolby/Chromrum Dioxide Tape
Copyright 1985 All rights revert to the individual artists. Submissions must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope.
Publishers/Editors Claudia Gould. Joseph Nechvatal. Carol Parkinson
Here is a photo from the exhibition at Jeffrey Deitch Gallery: