Our collaboration with Experimental Intermedia continues with our second ZOOM IN: OLAP (Online Live Art Performance) community discussion forum. For this event we have invited artists Julien Ottavi and Jenny Pickett of APO33 , an interdisciplinary artistic laboratory based in Nantes, France, extremely active within the FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) community of artists and programmers, to share about the first live online audio festival AUDIOBLAST they founded in 2012 long before the pandemic and other projects.
Date: January 31, 2021
Time: 3 pm – 5 pm New York Time (EST)
Location: online on Zoom. Free. Check back for more information or click here to RSVP.
Following a presentation by Ottavi and Pickett and a Q & A, the forum will be open to anyone attending wanting to discuss any online live art performance ideas or projects as well as any technical or conceptual concerns.
The discussion forum will be led by Katherine Liberovskaya of Experimental Intermedia and Harvestworks Director Carol Parkinson.

About the Artists
JULIEN OTTAVI Doctor in Arts, Composer, Artist, Curator. A mediactivist, artist-researcher, composer / musician, poet and tongues destroyer, experimental film maker and anarchitect, founder and member of Apo33, Julien Ottavi is involved in research and creative work, combining sound art, real-time video, new technologies and body performances. Since 1997, he develops a composition work using voice and its transformation through computer. Active developer of audio/visual programs with Puredata, he has also developed since many years DIY electronics (radio transmitters, oscillators, mixers, amplifiers, video transmitters…etc) in the perspective of knowledge sharing on technological development. Main developer for the Gnu/Linux operating system APODIO for digital art and A/V & streaming diffusion. His practices is not limited to the art spheres but crosses different fields from technological development to philosophy / theoretical research, bio-mimetic analysis & experimentation. For many years he reflects on the relations between experimental practices and collective practices within the creation of autonomous collective groups, putting in question the authorship strategy of the “art ideology”.
JENNY PICKETT is a member of the artists’ collective APO33 (art and technology research lab) in France, where she works on projects ranging from interactive installations to experimental music and performance. She is a member of various ensembles including: Onsemble (Orchestra of Nantes and St Nazaire), Orgone (Contemporary percussion group), OFFAL (Orchestra for Females and/at Laptops) and forms part of the duo Solar Return with Julien Ottavi. Pickett is a PhD Candidate at Cyprus University of Technology where she is attached to the Media Arts and Design Research Lab (MADlab). Her research interests include critical approaches to music and technology, interactivity, hybrid and participatory practices in art. Her thesis is : Do it with others (DIWO), Methodologies for artistic production and education. She holds a BA in Fine Art from Falmouth College of Arts and an MA in Interactive Media: Critical Theory and Practice from Goldsmiths, University of London. She is currently a lecturer in ‘Art and Techniques of Representation’ at the Nantes School of Architecture (ENSA).
Association APO33
APO33 is an interdisciplinary artistic, theoretical and technological laboratory that develops various collective projects combining research, experimentation and intervention in the social space, based in Nantes, France. Apo33 aims is to work with the dynamics of the free software movement: a modular space, initiating open collaborative projects and creative processes and exploring new modes of artistic and creative production, transmission and dissemination. Through workshops, sharing know-how, seminars, interventions in the public space, co-creation, performances, exhibitions, international meetings, online projects and publications, Apo33 develops the current grassroots transformations of artistic and cultural practices, social consequences, re-appropriations and uses of Information and communication technologies.
A collaborative initiative by Harvestworks and Experimental Intermedia ZOOM IN: OLAP is an online community forum conceived by Katherine Liberovskaya and Carol Parkinson to reflect on the aesthetic and technical dimensions of live streaming and to share knowledge among the participants. The meetings feature guest practitioners from different artistic fields (music, live visuals, performance, dance, theater) who to speak about their approaches and experiments with online performance (sound, video, conferencing, streaming software, aesthetic and organizational approaches), followed by Q&A. The forum is also open to hearing about new ideas and projects that are in development as well as technical and/or conceptual concerns from the participants.
This initiative is a response to the unexpected arrival of the Covid pandemic that forced many live performance artists into live streaming as a make-shift temporary presentation alternative. Figuring it out on the fly, they were able to continue to produce some form of creative activity on the new platform… While this was so exciting, even keeping us sane in the early days of the coronavirus, the ever-increasing online live streaming events are starting to seem more and more all the same and are holding our attention less and less. We quickly found out that commercial web conferencing software was not designed for artistic performance. Worldwide, the virus seems here to stay, and the reality of in-person audiences being able to convene safely is moving further and further into the future. It is time to re-think the online presentation of live art practices and to imagine new approaches that are far better suited for the new performance stage.