Governors Island Nolan Park Building 5b
Workshop attendees will learn how to set up the overall communication structure from phone or Arduino in one location through a web server and out to a computer and Arduino in another location. Also introduced will be the next steps necessary to scale the project up for larger installations, which would allow for more data transfer and management using node.js. Those with some experience with Processing and Arduino will be able to pick up quickly, however, the workshop is geared to introduce a scalable easy to teach model for data communication from phone to physical installation from the ground up.
Max Kazemzadeh is an Associate Professor and Program Director of Art & Media Design in the Art, Communication & Theater Department at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, and is presently completing a Ph.D. with the Planetary Collegium at the University of Plymouth (UK) under the Supervision of Roy Ascott, Victoria Vesna, and Mike Phillips. Kazemzadeh uses a syncretic approach to investigate connections between art, technology, and consciousness within his research, experiments and interactive installations. His work over the last ten years focused on how constructed, semi-conscious interfaces influence human perception and interaction. Directly connected to elements within machine perception and recognition, his work feeds naturally into his research, which investigates the significance and value of errors in perception and identification (via the senses) as essential contributions to creativity and innovative thought.
This summer, Kazemzadeh completed a work entitled Beirithms, in collaboration with artist Reza Safavi, which employs the process of the French Situationist into Algorithms for a phone app that directed him around the city of Beijing, and map those activities to a 3 x 3 meter physical rice dropping system to create a topological map representing time in different locations of the city. Egyrithms was a previous system exhibiting in Egypt in 2013 at Di-Egy Festival and Dabarithms exhibited in Dubai at ISEA 2014, each with different systems. Kazemzadeh has been invited to be the first artist in residence at the Medialab Prado in Madrid during the month of June, where he will build and exhibit Madritmos in July.