DJ101 is a workshop to teaching basics of DJing for beginners. It will cover beat matching and transitioning with different genres of music including House, Techno, and others. Bring your own music on a USB if you want!
Friday July 8, 2022 from 1 – 3 pm (flexible)
Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors Island
DJ101 is a workshop intended for beginners to learn the basics of DJing. With brief introductions to equipment and software using a simple Pioneer DDJ-SB2 DJ controller and the Serato software, we will teach beat matching and transitioning techniques that you can use to mix your own music. Beat matching involves synchronizing the speed of two songs to play them together. Transitioning between two different pieces of music is also a large part of DJing, as it allows for the DJ to create a continuous stream of music that could last for large amounts of time- like the duration of a dance party. We will provide music from genres of music including House, Techno, and others. We are open for you to bring your own music on a USB.
This workshop is a casual, drop-in session for Creative Play led by Harvestworks technical interns Soeun Bae, Alexander Levinson, and Kaleil Salomon-Jacob. We intend to create a fun and open space for practicing and experimenting with DJing in the Harvestworks space on Governors Island.

Kaleil Salomon-Jacob is a student at NYU Gallatin with experience DJing for live venues and college radio. @kaleil1 on Instagram
Soeun Bae is studying sculpture at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she’s been working with the idea of the body in search for a cosmic, meditative space through the use of performative objects.
Alexander Levinson is a cello player, DJ, and computer programmer studying at Bard College, NY. His passion for DJing came with his love for disco, house, and electronic dance music (or really any genre of music). He has DJed at a few birthday and new year’s parties (which turned out to be great parties)!
Mix of Monstercat EDM music by Alexander: