LOCATION: Harvestworks Art and Technology Program, Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors Island
Suggested Donation: $5-25. RSVP not required but encouraged. Click here to donate/RSVP.
Calendar of Events
(Fri) 4/26/24
3pm – Audiovisual Performances by Jay Reinier, crobo + surajbarthy, emptyflash
(Sat) 4/27/24
1pm – Art in a Changing Climate
An interactive discussion featuring artists/educators Tega Brain, Sam Lavigne, Alex Nathanson, and Allison Parrish, moderated by Eric Lee.
3pm – Audiovisual performances by an_outskirt, mgs, and Vaporwave
(Sun) 4/28/24
1pm – Reconcile of Sounds & Found in Translation
A workshop about constructing sounds from different Southeast Asian tuning and sound cultures using Orca, a live coding language for sequencing, and other open-source tools by elekhlekha อีเหละเขละขละ.
3pm – Live coding performances by the code, Archaic Reckoner, and Saltzshaker
(Fri) 5/3/24
3pm – Audiovisual performances by Kosmas Giannoutakis, shellylynnx, and Colonel Panix
This concert artists features artists using live coding, artificial intelligence, brain waves, and more.
(Sat) 5/4/24
1pm – Wavelengths to RGB: Programming Color Theory
In this presentation, Jessica Stringham will share transferable techniques, ideas, and philosophies on working with color within with shaders, other creative coding, and digital media.
3pm – Audiovisual performances by Messica Arson, Metamyther, painter, and Voyde
This concert features artists working with modular synthesizers and/or visuals.
(Sun) 5/5/24
1pm – Live Coding Visuals in Hydra Workshop
A beginner friendly workshop for Hydra, a free and open-source live coding synthesizer for creating visuals by Suraj Barthy.
3pm – Audiovisual performances by Dan Gorelick, Borbo, this.xor.that, and Cougars Are Cats Too
This concert features artists incorporating live coding, visuals, percussion, flute, cello, and more.