Lucid Possession

“Lucid Possession”, created by interactive media artist Toni Dove, is a live cinema performance mixed and animated in real-time. Using cutting-edge motion sensing technogies to perform complex layers of media, the work seeks to extend the language of theatrical performance. Alongside the real-time manipulations of Dove, onstage musicians control robotic screens, lights, sound and video that merge to present a contemporary ghost story – apoetic musing on self-perception and fame across virtual and real social spaces. Performers fuse means with concept in a musical thriller that unfolds fromthe point of view of a programmer, her Avatar, and their real and virtual community of fans.

Lucid Possession

Toni Dove
Wed, Dec 7 2011, 7pmToni Dove will talk and show excerpts and documentation from the work in progress.  She will be accompanied by Leif Krinkle and Ed Bear who will discuss the construction and control of robotic screens, led costumes and other feats of physics and mechanics utilized in the show, as well as the use of OSC and motion sensing as interface.

Lucid Possession is driven by proprietary software developed by R.Luke Dubois in a long time collaboration with Dove.

Toni Dove lives and works in NYC. She writes, directs and performs live mix cinema events,installations and hybrid film projects that utilize embodied interface, interactive technologies and robotics. Presented in the United States, Europe and Canada as well as in print and on radio and television, her projects include: Archeology of a Mother Tongue, a virtual reality installation with Michael Mackenzie, Banff Centre for the Arts. Artificial Changelings, an interactive installation, premiere at the Rotterdam Film Festival, part of the exhibitions: “Body Mecanique” at the Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio; at the Institute for Studies in the Arts at Arizona State University, International Performance Studies Conference, other venues. Spectropia, her current touring project, is a feature length live-mix movie performance for two players. Previewed 2006: work in progress at Lincoln Center in Scanners, the New York Video Festival, Univ of West Va. BIOS Conf.; Cleveland at the Ingenuity festival 2007;  premiere: the Wexner Center for the Arts Nov 1-3, 2007; presented: REDCAT, LA Nov 2007; Zero1 Festival of Art on the Edge, San Jose, 2008; EMPAC, Troy, N.Y., 2008; Miami Sleepless Night Festival, 2009. The Kitchen, NYC, Dec. 9,10,11, 2010. Lucid Possession, the work in progress has been presented at: HERE Culturemart, 2009, 2010; Spielart Festival, Munich, 2009; Republique Theater, Copenhagen, 2009, 2011.

Dove served by appointment on the 2000/2003 Government Advisory Committee on Information Technology and Creativity, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council, USA. Dove has received numerous grants and awards including support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Greenwall Foundation, the Langlois Foundation, New York State Council on the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, The LEF Foundation, MediaThe Foundation, Experimental TV Center, and the Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts from M.I.T. Web site: See also

Leif Krinkle (robotic design and control, technical direction) has been collaborating with artists, musicians, and designers around the world for more than ten years developing multidimensional media and challenging the potential of traditional art forms. In 2000 Leif created Krinkle New Media, a production company specializing in interactive sound and video production. He has since produced albums for internationally acclaimed musicians, designed multimedia performances, and engineered interactive installations. Today Leif is fabricating musical robots, designing nonlinear display systems, and engineering physical devices for interaction with immersive multimedia environments.

Ed Bear [b. 1983] is an American performing artist and engineer. His work with robotics, sound, video, transmission and collective improvisation investigates the questionable calibration of perception. As an educator and designer, he researches and practices material reuse as a civil responsibility.
He has toured extensively in North America and Europe as a performer and teacher, working with organizations such as The Mattress Factory, The Montreal Pop Festival, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, and Rensalaer Polytechnic Institute. In 2009 and 2010 he received NSF and other funds to study e-waste streams as educational resources, software defined radio and novel energy harvesting using ionic polymer metal composites. He is a 2010 free103point9 AIRtime fellow and received the 2008 Roulette Emerging Composer Commission.

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