It’s Spring!
Harvestworks 40th Anniversary Events 1977 – 2017
Sat April 29 Harvestworks in partnership with the SoHo Arts Network Spring Open House will present Seven Futures by Taeyoon Choi and Christine Sun Kim. For this installation, the artists came up with seven potential futures and gave form to them as wind chimes with electronics and motors. Opening Saturday April 29th 4 – 6 pm.
Fri May 5th Armen Ra and Bora Yoon perform an evening of sacred works and sonic alchemy for theremin, voice and electronics. Church of the Ascension NYC. Sponsored by Sorel Music in partnership with Harvestworks.
Fri and Sat May 12 and 13 Arts Hub at Creative Technology Week. Harvestworks partners with Plan 23 to present performances byPamela Z,Jimmy Joe Roche & Layne Garrett, Ed Bear, Plan 23,Raphaele Shirley and exhibitions by Joe Diebes, Ed Bear andMargaret Schedel / Melissa F. Clarke. A must see at Knockdown Center! At Harvestworks, we host I Touch You And You Touch Me, a solo exhibition by Jeff Thompson and Trio, a multiscreen installation David Galbraith.
Upcoming this summer: The sixth New York Electronic Art Festival on Governors Island, Issue Project Room, Made in NY Media Center, Harvestworks TEAM Lab and other venues. May 26 – July 23, 2017
Artist In Residence Pics and News

Ed Bear in the Lab

Carla Cisno in our artspace stuido

Workspace Resident Chika and Technical Advisor Mariam
Congrats to AIRs Annie Gosfield and Shelley Hirsch for their 2017 Guggenheim Music Composition grants and Workspace Resident Michael Bryon’s review in The Wire for The Celebration, his latest CD release on New World Records.
New Videos
3 by 3 by 3 Workshop by G.H. Hovagimyan, Rhys Chatham, and Raphaele Shirley at Harvestworks June 2016.
Composing the Tinnitus Suites by residents Daniel Fishkin, Cleek Schrey, Ron Shalom December 2016.
Static Strands and String Noise – Annie Gosfield February 2016.
Studio News
New Independent Study Artist Crystal Thompson is working with Tommy to create a custom “patch” or piece of computer software in Max to control the 3 channel video playback for her show, complete with presets/cues and an easy drag and drop interface to swap out clips on the fly.

Mat and Lincoln working on the Audio Archive

LED light project by Tommy Martinez
Community Events
The @RubinMuseum will become an instrument of transformation this June. Contemporary sound art meets Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in a multilayered exhibition featuring pioneering electronic sound artists. #TheWorldIsSound
May 25th, 2017 former Harvestworks Artist-In-Residence Antenes premieres new work, incorporating research on telephone hackers with her own modular synthesizers housed inside vintage telecom equipment at Issue Project Room.
Emerging Composer Opportunity JFund Guidelines and ApplicationAre Now Live Deadline: Monday, August 21, 2017 4:30 PM (Central)
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Artists in Residence Get Together
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Amazon Smile
If you shop with Amazon, consider donating to Harvestworks while shopping. Simply follow this link; once you make your purchase Amazon will make a donation to Harvestworks! This is a great program and we encourage you to participate.

Daniel Fishkin’s Lady’s Harp