Creativity and the search for original solutions, creative coding, building of new compositions, performances and prototypes, requires the extension of intellectual tools, including the replacement of simple generative techniques with probabilistic methods as well as with methods related with randomness
Date: Wednesday November 30 2016
Time: 6 pm – 10 pm
Register Here: $80 / $75 members
Harvestworks 596 Broadway #602 New York NY 10012
Phone: 212-431-1130 Subway: F/M/D/B Broadway/Lafayette, R to Prince, #6
to Bleecker
The workshop consists of:
*Practical application of pseudo-random generators for constructing visual works, music compositions and films with the use of languages such as LISP, Supercollider, Pure Data, MaxMsp, Fluxus, Ianix etc. (automata, monte carlo method, random walk, pseudo-random generators, probability distributions and others)
•Extraction of randomness from a physical processes through hacking analogue devices for detection, amplification, sonic and visual analysis (electromagnetic fields, gas particles, photons and decay of radioactive materials)
• applications in building of new prototypes, art works and network security.
Randomness also plays an essential role in artistic practice (concept of the ready made, metalanguage in conceptual art, new formal ways of composing through the use of probability distributions and stochastic techniques, Xenakis’s GENDY and UPIC systems, Cage’s chance, noise etc.) Nowadays, many procedures based on simulation of random processes lie at the basis of practical applications in banking, stock market, games, in enciphering passwords etc.
Robert B. LISEK is an artist, mathematician and composer who focuses on systems and processes (computational, biological, social). He is involved in the number of projects focused on radical art strategies, hacktivism and tactical media. Drawing upon conceptual art, software art and meta-media, his work intentionally defies categorization. Lisek is a pioneer of art based on AI and bioinformatics. Lisek is also a composer of contemporary music, author of many projects and scores on the intersection of spectral, stochastic, concret music, musica futurista and noise:
Lisek is a founder of Institute for Research in Science and Art, Fundamental Research Lab and ACCESS Art Symposium. Author of many exhibitions and concerts, among others: SUPRAINFINITE – Spektrum Berlin; QUANTUM ENIGMA – STEIM Amsterdam; TERROR ENGINES – WORM Center Rotterdam, Secure Insecurity – ISEA Istanbul; DEMONS – Venice Biennale (accompanying events); Manifesto vs. Manifesto – Ujazdowski Castel of Contemporary Art, Warsaw; NGRU – FILE, Sao Paulo; NEST – ARCO Art Fair, Madrid; Float – DMAC Harvestworks and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NYC; WWAI – Siggraph, Los Angeles; Falsecodes – Red Gate Gallery, Beijing; Gengine – National Gallery, Warsaw; Flextex – Byzantine Museum, Athens, FXT- ACA Media Festival, Tokyo and ISEA, Nagoya.