[Oct 21] Friends Circle Event – Toneburst Maps and Fragments

Friends Circle Event

Toneburst Maps and Fragments

A collaborative installation work by David Tudor (1926 – 1996) and Sophia Ogielska.

@ISSUE Project Room 22 Boerum Place, Brooklyn NY 11201

Friday October 21st 2016
7 pm for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres
8 pm performance featuring John D.S. Adams

RSVP and Tickets here:

Toneburst Wesleyan 1996 - Map 4 S Ogielska

Toneburst Wesleyan 1996 – Map 4 © S Ogielska,  96″x96″,  black film on acrylic panels, 1995-96 and “Toneburst Ideograms Cluster”, 6 parts 16″x96″ each, translucent paints and film on acrylic panels, 1995-96

In 1995-96 David Tudor collaborated with Sophia Ogielska on a visual language for representing David’s music compositions created in analog circuits. Focusing on Tudor’s composition Toneburst for Merce Cunningham’s Sounddance, they developed Toneburst Maps and Fragments — a collaborative installation work which used visual elements derived from David Tudor’s scores. The work was first exhibited at the Ezra and Cecile Zilka Gallery at Wesleyan University in 1996.

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