A live play of a new piece recently created for the Secret Pope project by Sofy Yuditskaya. This last embodiment will be performed on Oct 31, 2021 for the closing of the Secret Pope installation at Harvestworks on Governor’s Island. On a backdrop of spacey stary skies and generated graphics, the Secret Pope emerges like a satellite reflecting and refracting 8bit projections of the constellations behind her. This piece speaks to the extension of ourselves into the future, and expanding into space. The piece was originally commissioned by Robert Pepper for his tarot project closing at Pleiades Gallery.
DATES AND TIMES: Sunday October 31 2021. 2:30pm
• RUN TIME OF PERFORMANCE: 20-30 minutes
• LOCATION: The Workings of Media [art and artists] at the Harvestworks Art and Technology House. Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors Island.

Sofy Yuditskaya
Sofy (@_the_s0urce_) is a site-specific media artist and educator working with sound, video, interactivity, projections, code, paper, and salvaged material. Her work focuses on techno-occult rituals, street performance, and participatory art. Sofy’s performances enact and reframe hegemonies, she works with materials that exemplify our deep entanglement with petro-culture and technology’s affect on consciousness.
Collaborator: Andrew MacFarlane (vaporstack) is a brooklyn based artist and self-taught developer focussed on realtime generative graphics, vector art, and studious observation of the world around us. his ongoing project is a game/application engine written in c. when he has to, he writes python instead. he graduated from the cooper union in 2005. insta: @vaporstack