Search Results for: arts hub

[Dec 12] Ghost Komungobot

Ghost Komungobot is an interdisciplinary live interactive performance of electric komungo and komungobot (virtual robotic instrument) with visual media design. The work is conceived by Jin Hi Kim (performer/creator) in collaboration with Alex Noyes (interactive sound design) and Benton-C Bainbridge (visual media design) and lighting designer, Federico Restrepo. Ghost Komungobot is co-produced with CultureHub. Date: … Continue reading

MEMORYSCAPES by Emilio Vavarella

As a special extension of the NYEAF 2015 (New York Electronic Arts Festival), we’re pleased to invite you to the first installment of Emilio Vavarella’s MEMORYSCAPES. The project has been developed over the course of two years at Harvestworks and includes a 7-channel immersive audio installation produced in collaboration with… Continue reading

2015 New York Electronic Art Festival

New York Electronic Art Festival 2015  – A Summer Celebrat­­­ion of 21st-Century Art New York, May 18, 2015 – Harvestworks is proud to announce the New York Electronic Arts Festival (NYEAF), held biennially on Governor’s Island and venues in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Presented in partnership with the Trust for Governors… Continue reading

[Nov 7/8] Christina Campanella, Latitude 14: I Went To The Lighthouse (And It Wasn’t There)

Fusing sound art and durational performance, LIGHTHOUSE is an immersive 3D sound installation that plumbs a world in which the seas have risen—in particular, the uneasy psychic terrain of an inundated New York City. Campanella’s impressionistic electronic score is designed for one live performer and a multi-tiered 8.4.1 system of speakers that surrounds the viewer/listener from all sides and above. Continue reading

[Nov 7/9] Timothy Fodness: Spacemen Waving at the Camera

In this 5.1 surround sound album, recorded prose is combined with sonic landscapes in an attempt to create an experience somewhere between reading a book and going to the movies. Twelve written pieces arrived at through automatic writing, journaling, and dream re-interpretation move through worlds blending modular synthesis, sound design, sampling, homemade instruments, and field recordings in order to crossfade listeners between real and surreal settings. Continue reading

2013 New York Electronic Art Festival

Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center announces the 2013 New York Electronic Art Festival in collaboration with River to River Festival, Trinity Wall Street, The Lower East Side Girls Club, The New York Hall of Science, The Hells Kitchen Cultural Center, Electronic Music Foundation and other partners. The festival is a… Continue reading

[June 22/23] Javascript rules the world

Javascript is one of the only programming languages where relative novices can have their code running on billions of devices in a matter of moments. This workshop focuses on getting students creating applications with Javascript and uploading them to the internet right away. Once students have a familiarity with the mechanics of the language, we will start building javascript-based web pages and uploading them to the internet using using github as a web-server. We will move onto making these applications interact with the mouse using jQuery and have graphical output using HTML5 Canvas. Continue reading

[Video] GH Hovagimyan: 3D Karaoke with the Kinect

It is no accident that GH Hovaginyam chose the idea of Karaoke for this work. Part of the work is a dialog with old media (mass media) represented by the form of pop music and our collective access to it. The Kinect camera is also an extension of many of his previous video performance works but in this case adding an interactive component. There is of course the ongoing position of DIY and Hacker culture that has allowed him to use the camera and create an open source project. Continue reading