Start the New Year on the Right Tone!
Support for Harvestworks is support for experimental sound and visual artists.
After working with 13,850 artists – the stage was set for our Art & Technology Program on Governors Island that welcomed 4,300 visitors.
Please consider making a year-end contribution, and thank you to everyone who has donated!
Make a gift here
Photos clockwise from upper left : The MoCap workshop by Heidi Boisvert, Judy Dunaway, Senem Pirler and Monica Duncan in performance, Matthew Ostrowski and Zeena Parkins, Carol, Will Chang and Carol Parkinson. Grace Schmidhauser
Harvestworks has helped generations of artists create new works using technology. Our mission is to support the creation and presentation of art works achieved through the use of new and evolving technologies. Harvestworks was founded by artists for artists in 1977.